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1 day

Last played

October 17, 2023

Platforms Played


"Now, that's zero tolerance!"

Another game I used to play a lot as a kid, glad this didn't leave any influence in my brain. This is Rocksteady's first game, known for their Arkham series, which is oddly fitting that they went from making some serious copaganda to Batman games. And I don't mean "police protagonist = copaganda", this is full on propaganda in a really bold way. I mean there's a line that says "maybe you (the police) were worth my tax dollars after all", lmao. Only reason why I'm not rating this lower is because gameplay-wise is surprisingly competent, kind of. Anyway, it's not really worth expanding on given how rubbish everything else is. Stay away, thank you.

Although I'm giving it a not recommended (❌), if you had or have a Punisher logo as your profile pic this turns into a must-play (✅✅✅).

★★ – Bad, but playable ❌

Ok, I'll admit it, the menu song is SO fucking catchy... Dum dum, dumdum, dum. (Funny how I immediately noticed two Punisher profile pics in the comments of the video, lolol)