It's really hard not to compare Smushi Come Home to A Short Hike, given how similar the progression and fly mechanics are. I think those influences are well applied, at least in the gameplay side, with how easily the game flows and how satisfying it is albeit simple. But what made A Short Hike memorable were its characters, that either mirrored real life problems or were simply fun to interact with, accompanied by the game's inspirational message that was delivered subtly throughout its course and culminating in the ending. All of this adding to its emotional impact, and in a way, at least for me, justifying the childish vibe. That's all pretty much missing here, with characters having really generic dialogues, and the game's message essentially being "family sticks together" delivered in the most trivial way possible. So you're left with a cute game, but with no substance whatsoever. Even if it's harsh, it's hard to not consider this a little immature. Specially considering how overall childlike it is, but the gameplay not being fit for a child to play (I think? Unless child gamers are much better now than I once was as a child.)

Anyway, I was getting unintentionally dark with my games lately, so I wanted to detox by playing this, and I think it did that job just fine. Even if it's not perfect it is relaxing and decently fun, so maybe if you're into the wholesome-core games you can't go wrong with this one.

(I did call the game immature, but I admit to playing it because of the huge capybaras in the game's backloggd background. So take that as you will.)

Reviewed on May 19, 2024
