Amazing world design, and implementation of the open world formula to the Souls gameplay.

Enjoyed it a lot, but some of the bosses felt like a downgrade from the last games. Boss designs go from terrible to mediocre, with some being too big or unbalanced (gang fights), and others feel like endless copy-pastes (even some main bosses). It really feels similar to Dark Souls 2 in that department. There are a few exceptions, though. Mohg has become one of my favorites of any FS game.

And I gotta point out that the pvp feels half-assed and unbalanced, especially after playing ds2 and ds3, where the pvp excells.

Played it at release with the performance issues, and it'll probably go up in rating after replaying it with the new updates, but for now it stays a 6. Good game.

★★★ – Good ✅

Reviewed on Nov 09, 2022
