So many mixed feelings...

In terms of gameplay, I had way more fun with Part 2. The encounters feel challenging but fun, and not masochistic like Part 1. Instead of just spamming spirit-buffed hell knights every encounter, now you have the addition of some new demons that add difficulty by making you aim well, think or pay attention to them. In general, this feels way more balanced and fun.

Now for the bad, why is this so short? I was enjoying it so much, and then it just ends. Part 2 is more or less one hour shorter than Part 1, and I wish that was flipped. Part 1 felt too slow and long, and Part 2 too fast and short 😑. Also, the final boss, considering that it is the "final" fight of Doom as a whole, feels waaay too underwhelming.

So yeah, really disappointing DLCs in general, specially because I love the base game so much.

I actually had one more complaint, but it's kinda spoilery, so I'll just say that I fucking hate marvel movies.

★★½ – Average ✅

Reviewed on May 26, 2023


11 months ago

is there a post credit scene hahaha

11 months ago

@rottweilersmile There wasn't, but might as well have one lol