Fyi newcomers, don't get your hopes up with analogue stick aiming in AC2. Nope, the analogue stick doesn't do anything. Genius!

Practically more AC1, but worse apart from the graphics. Somehow even clunkier, thanks to the awful hit boxes and annoying lockbox snapping into enemies constantly. Very little improvements, slower pacing, awful quality control, bland ass missions, and even COPY PASTED worse version of missions from AC1. All of that combined makes the experience not really worthwhile.

I'd straight up skip this one, unless you REALLY want more of AC1 or maybe focus solely on the Arena. The implication of who the main antagonist is, and some encounters and characterizations of the Arena mode are the only good things about this sequel.

★★ – Bad, but playable ❌

Reviewed on Aug 06, 2023
