This is one of the best JRPGs I've ever played. It has an amazing artistic direction (unlike PSIII) and it's fun to play too! The story never got boring and I'd defend the cast with my own life.

If you gotta play a Phantasy Star game just play this one. It is almost self-contained and it's the absolute best. Truly a phenomenal game.

This could've been a pretty cool old-school jrpg :((( the generation system is a nice system on paper, but the world is very boring and lifeless. Why all cities were the same just with a few buildings swapped around? And don't let me remember the backtracking, which is criminal in this game. You don't unlock fast travel till VERY late in the game, and you gotta walk to go some places anyway. What a wasted opportunity.

A good game hindered by annoying bugs

These dungeons can go f-ck themselves. Thank God for the EXP+meseta+relocalization patches, because otherwise this wouldn't be enjoyable in the slightest. Also, please use a guide. I beg you.

Also, there are only three bosses in the whole game. What were they cooking with that?

I might skip PSIII but I don't know what the future will hold for me. I played Lufia, I think I could survive finishing this tetralogy.

I'm a sucker for this genre of games

Yellow version was one of the first videogames I played when I was a kid, and my first Pokémon game.

This remake kind of retains the classic feeling of that game but with some caveats. First of all, the difficulty was heavily toned down in accordance with the modern franchise standards. I finished the game at level 62, way over my rival's level. I'm the kind of person that never grinds on Pokémon games, mind you.

On the music department, I played most of the game on mute with my favorite music on. The music was quite bland; in fact I prefer the classic chiptune music.

It's an ok game, but nothing to write home about. If you wanna experience Kanto you're better playing Fire Red and Leaf Green.

A more refined version of the first game. It's really good.

Jugábamos a esto solo para ver como se mataban las piezas

Que buenos tiempos

It's a good game if you play it with an infinite money cheat, because the guys from WD were cheapstakes and made the silver quantity scarce lol otherwise both the localization and dub were fine

My only gripe with this game is the awful platforming, but hey, Xenogears has it too and is an amazing game! So go play this, it's classic Squaresoft in their peak

Como me dijo una amiga que es super fan del juego y que me dejó probarlo: "el el simulador de escarabajo pelotero"

Lo peor es que tenía razón

Gran banda sonora y presentación

Keep on rollin' baby

(I haven't played GTI)

I really enjoyed it. It's not the best PMD game by any means (EOS and RT are better) but I had fun with it. Some QOL stuff was pretty sweet, like not having to replay a dungeon a thousand times to recruit someone and the possibilty of linking movements without paying a fee to a NPC. Moreover, being able to rescue yourself is great without relying on strangers on the internet.

The storyline was OK; it served its purpose, and I didn't expect that plot twist at the end.