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1 day

Last played

January 1, 2023

Platforms Played


I never played the original game, so keep that in mind. The soundtrack to this game is what caught me off guard. It's a very amazing soundtrack that really gets you in the mood and makes this feel like an eventful game.

There isn't much of a story to disect and the game tells you everything in the first cutscene in the first 3 minutes of the game. This game isn't really about the story.

The game gives you options on what gameplay style to choose from, modern or classic. Modern mode makes it so you move the dragon with one joystick and move the crosshairs with another joystick. The classic mode makes it so the dragon and the crosshairs are on the same joystick. The classic mode was easier to play in with a game like this. The other thing that was unusual for a rail sooter, in my opinion, was the fact that you have to watch a mini radar map in the corner for enemies. Then you actually have to physically move the camera to that side and have to be aware of the enemies at all times. That's very refreshing gameplay and kept me on my toes the entire time.

This game has high replay value for those who want to play on normal or hard mode and also for achievement hunters.

First, the game is short. I know this game has an "arcade mindset" where they think people will play over and over again in short bursts. But, me not knowing about the original thought it was going to be a few hours of gameplay, not 1. To be honest, it's a shame that this game is so short, because I had so much fun playing it.

Speaking of the "arcade mindset" this game has "lives" that they call "credits" and if you die in a level, then you have to do the whole level over again, like the old arcade cabinets. I would hate this if the game was longer, but this works well with how short the game is.

The only gripe I have with the game is in the PC version of this game, I was not able to get to the secret Level 0. I put in the code from the console versions and just assume the PC version doesn't have it. What it does have is a code to go to a secret menu to pick any level you want, god mode, concept art, and other settings.

Overall, I'd say this is a very entertaining game and the best rail shooting game I've ever played.