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jujsjujin finished Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
this game does justice to an already great experience that i felt was really overhated, a big improvement on the story department a better gameplay in most parts (despite the difficulty curve in the new route feeling really weird with only the new bosses really being challenging) really makes this game compete with apocalypse for me with the best combat and the exploration in this game always was really fun for me although i didn't really like the new area all that much, this finally feels like its own game instead of a nocturne rehash, and the performance improved as it isn't stuck on a shitty console, really excited to do the platinum on hard for this one

3 days ago

8 days ago

8 days ago

jujsjujin followed pedrozzz

8 days ago

jujsjujin earned the Roadtrip badge

9 days ago

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