Spelunky 2 2020

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how does one go about creating a follow up to something like spelunky HD, a game which many would consider to be perfect, and which is arguably the most influential roguelike? well in Derek Yu's case, you simply build on top of that. Spelunky 2 is bigger and larger than the first game in almost every way. Levels are effectively twice as large due to the network of caves behind every level, there are multiple paths you can take through the game to get to the end, and the secret world after the "final" boss leads on to a gantlet of levels far longer than anything in the first game.

does it succeed as a sequel then? well i think that it's a pretty good crack at it. it's obviously a pretty tough task to create something as incredible as the original spelunky was, but Spelunky 2 has all of the charm of the original, in both its gameplay and secrets.

the main issue for me with spelunky 2 is its difficulty. now spelunky 1 was a difficult enough game alright (especially if you play the game the way it's intended and kill every shopkeeper you see, incurring their wrath) but spelunky 2 is definitely a notch tougher. and i would largely chalk this up to the increase in opportunities for being instakilled. spelunky 1 definitely had enemies and hazards that could instakill you and delete your 30 minute run, but they were used more conservatively, and you learned as a player to respect that. in spelunky 2, there are far more enemies, hazards and even your own items that can end your run instantly. this does make the game harder and adds more tension to your runs, but a lot of the time it just doesn't work. when you carelessly jump into spikes in spelunky 1, that was a learning moment, when a blob of lava falls on your head in spelunky 2, it just feels like bullshit.

despite this however, i enjoyed my time a lot with spelunky 1. i think it's one of those instances where a sequel is put out that perfectly captures the spirit of the original, and builds on it in meaningful ways. looking forward to whatever Derek Yu has next in store