Active DBG: Brave's Rage, developed by the Chinese developer ISVR, is a real-time deckbuilding game that offers a unique gameplay experience. It presents a simple yet addictive game dynamic with its real time element. There are nine different characters or jobs, each starting off relatively weak, progression with these characters requires continued gameplay to unlock more powerful tools, making the early stages of each character's journey challenging.
The game unfolds on a map grid where each grid presents either a battle, event, or a shop. The primary objective on each map grid or chapter is to reach and defeat the boss. Gameplay mechanics resemble those of a standard deckbuilding game, where players acquire new cards, upgrade them, discard unwanted ones, and optimize their decks. However, what sets it apart is the real-time system, allowing for precise blocks, dodges, and timely activation of card effects, also you can utilize multiple characters simultaneously to enhance their combos.
Success in the game depends not only on strategic deckbuilding but also on how adeptly you can manage the real-time elements of battles. Upon completing a run, a new challenge level is unlocked, each progressively more difficult, totaling 20 challenge levels.
The game offers a fun and straightforward experience, though it may lack depth for extended play sessions. It's enjoyable for a few hours for me but if you are looking for something unique this game may be for you.

A new and interesting soulslike that offers new twists to the formula by combining blades and handles on the weapons, fun skil bases gameplay and a interesting story, highly recommended.

A fun time waster, that can get old very quick. If you are into "so satisfying" videos you will probably love this.