kinda just stopped honestly, moved onto other games but will come back later

I respect dq but it kinda bores me ngl LOL

not bad or anything, I like mario galaxy but I just kinda got a little bored and didn't come back

didn't put the game over on my new pc and I still haven't

got bored and stopped playing, think I just moved onto other games

I honestly have no idea why I haven't finished, I remember getting bored on the mech levels though

honestly I have more fun with lego games with friends, I don't have any that wanna play LOL

I want a ds4 and to get used to the playstation buttons before I fully play this

cool as shit but idk it didn't hold me for that long

same deal as rush, also not too big a fan of the jetski stuff and the crafting stuff iirc?

I bought this as a joke

probably gonna play the official release when chronicles comes out

cool game but I still haven't gotten to it