12 reviews liked by fmx

I'll confess that I've only played about 20 minutes of this game, so I'm not really reviewing it for myself, but for my best friend who passed away in March. We lived together so we would hang out and talk about video games almost everyday and before he passed away THIS was his favorite game, full-stop.

It's hard to describe how much I miss chatting with him about Rain World, it made him passionate about game ideas he was programming and passionate about games in general, it was exciting to see him have that spark for making art again. It's cringey, but I wish I could message the developers and let them know how much it meant to my friend that this game even EXISTED, let alone that it was this amazing to him.

The last conversation I ever had with him he was telling me about the lore for Rain World, how he beat every piece of content in it just to learn more about the story, and to my surprise, I found in one of his journals pages of him deciphering the lore and studying it on his own for fun.

It'll be a long while before I'm able to play any of his favorite games again, but I'm going to rate this a 5 on his behalf anyway, as I have no doubt in my mind it's what he would have given it. I'll never know why he chose to leave, but I at least have this game that spoke to him in a way you wish all art could, and as much as I wish he was here to tell you why it's a 5-star game, you'll just have to take my word for it. This was a perfect game to him, and he had way better taste than me!



I never understood what was going on but i had fun

Something feels wrong when you play Paladins. I like the game, but something about it just doesn't click like other online games do.

I hyperfixated on this game and I'm sure I"ll hyperfixate again when I get back to it.

Just underwhelming because the first one was so good. Had the main writers leave halfway as well, a bit of a mess.

Better visuals, locations, music and gameplay than the first game, but falls short on content, story and scares.



actually felt like i finally accomplished something monumental in my life after deleting this

thing is i bought a drawing tablet to play this and now i draw furry gay porn . growth

the best game ever that i hate playing

good game for lonely people. makes you feel not lonely for like 4 hours.