Most anticipated

Some of these are already out but I'm poor. Also kinda hate that a good chunk of these are remasters but eh

tomba/tombi remaster or port or whatever. i'm there day one
Damn really tho
Analgesic is doing their take on the Ys formula, which of course is not exactly Ys but also likely 10x more interesting.
yooooooo tomba! 2 remaster coming in 2025...!
What if Moon was an actual RPG tho? Potentially peak.
Been meaning to play DQ3 for a long time and there's no better way to experience an older game. The Live A Live remake was stellar.
Replaying 1 this way should be a lot of fun, it's a pretty short game. Never finished 2.
Another game, along with DQ3, that I've been wanting to play but now there's a remake so that's cool. This looks pretty amazing so far.
really gives me old school platformer vibes but it's also doing its own thing as well. definitely one to keep an eye on.
I like how the trailer says absolutely nothing about the BGs being handcrafted dioramas. Like BRUH thats an instant purchase from me
As much as I love Suda, pretty much all of his games feel incomplete like he lost interest halfway (probably true), but this game felt like a fully fleshed out... GAME. Maybe it was because of Shinji Mikami's input, who knows. Really looking forward to revisiting.
looks like it might be taking a cue from the trials of mana remake (which i loved) but with a bigger budget. just make a good action rpg this time guys, it's not that hard.
Still haven't gotten into the original, but if I can play it more optimized to PS4, that sounds pretty great. At least I hope they optimize to PS4 and not just PS5.
Combining new school Zelda and old school Zelda kinda irks me (I wish they could coexist but also separately), but reusing the Link's Awakening remake graphics is a good idea because that game was gorgeous.
I don't know much of anything about this, but correct me if I'm wrong, Toriyama's last big game and it looks like a vehicle combat open world style thing. I'm a fan of Metal Max so we'll see I guess. Looks gorgeous either way.
Hey, more Ys is rarely a bad thing.
The sequel would be pretty cool, but I'm looking forward to replaying either way.
Stardew Valley charm but a shop game, sounds fun.
I haven't been the biggest fan of the latest Atlus releases but color me cautiously optimistic on their take on a more fantasy style world. Seems very Heironymous Bosch (sp) inspired, which is a very nice cue to spring from.
I'm split on this one. Epic Mickey was a solid 7 game that I genuinely enjoyed despite some issues. Maybe even a 7.5. It's not on my must haves but I would likely enjoy revisiting it.

Bit of a guilty pleasure even tho it was hugely creative.
Basically looks like Bioshock if we're being honest, but I like Bioshock.


2 months ago

one of the reasons i havent gotten into shadows of the damned and lollipop chainsaw was because theyre supposedly neutered suda games (also im just lazy lol) i didnt even know were getting a remaster of shadows, hoping it turns out good. also i highly recommend reading sand land, its a single book and a very good self-contained story. ngl i dont like that they are expanding it to a game when imo it shouldve been left alone but well see if im wrong

2 months ago

@imshitting420 not a fan of lollipop chainsaw but shadows felt like if suda51 made a dmc style game, so i liked it because i like both. sorry im completely oblivious on sand land but ill check out the manga.

2 months ago

Good picks!
Basically ditto on 90% of these, my list would also include (if I made one):
Deca Police
Professor Layton and the World of Steam
Paper Mario TTYD Remake
Harold Halibut (looks interesting)
Endless Ocean: Luminous (really loved Endless Ocean growing up, really serene and therapeutic game.)

Epic Mickey simultaneously looks cool and kind of cheesy, but I want to try it. What are your thoughts on that one?

2 months ago

@DizzySkullKid19 never got into the paper mario series bc i was too beholden to mario rpg to give it a chance as a kid, but i always meant to eventually (paper mario 64 is sitting on nso just waiting for me). hadnt heard of deca police till now, sounds cool! professor layton is another series i need to catch up on (i played the first one but then got overwhelmed by how many there are since). i was this close to adding harold halibut just because it's stop-motion/clay/whatever but i realized i know nothing about it besides that and need to actually look into it first. endless ocean is so chill, i love it. i want it but i'm not dying waiting for it.

epic mickey is somewhat mixed. i dont know if you like psychonauts, but it had a similarly creative feel to it (except not quite as good ofc). just some very cool level designs in general. the camera could be pretty garbage at spots. if they put it out for $60 it's totally not worth it, but if they fix the camera, it would be worth a solid $30-40 when it's on sale at some point. the paint thinner/paint thing is kinda cool, so you can choose to be "evil" or good. i chose to be good and will go the evil route if/when i play it again.

2 months ago

@fntm Love Professor Layton, aesthetically beautiful game, one of Level 5's best imho (along with Dark Cloud and the such). I messed up bad by selling Miracle Mask, because now that is the only game that I am missing in my Professor Layton collection. It's funny cause we thought Azran Legacy was gonna be the final Prof. Layton game, glad that's not the case.

Honestly, I'm not a huge Paper Mario aficionado either, literally the only Paper Mario game I've completed is one of the modern ones, Color Splash. I know the earlier games are really praised, although tbh I found what I played of Paper Mario 64 to be just a little boring, but I do want to go back to it. TTYD is the one I've been pining for, since the prices on that one are just way out of my normal budget, and I am not willing to spend that much for a copy. I wouldn't mind experiencing it on the Switch, $60 is at least a little better than $130-200, and I'm really curious what the hype is about. Saw some walkthroughs and the game does look pretty strange in a cool way.

I don't know jack about Harold Halibut either, but it does have a kind of odd flair to it, that I think I would enjoy + I like adventure games.

Thanks for the info on Epic Mickey. That's an interesting kind of Shin Megami Tensei decision to have good and evil routes out of Disney of all companies. I mainly like the aesthetics of the game, but I also feel as if it is like a sanitized, Disney darkness that I find kind of cheesy. Anyhoo, I might pick up the Wii version for cheap to see if I like it. I can deal with bad controls so I think I can handle it (we'll see).
Psychonauts is pretty cool, I have a lot of admiration for it. I just shelved it for now. While I like it's story, Tim Burton-esque whimsy and surrealistic characters as well as psychological explorations (literal mind-diving), I found the actual 3D platforming and collectathon aspects to be kind of confusing, defo will come back to it though.

2 months ago

@DizzySkullKid19 i actually mostly despise current disney, epic mickey manages to feel more like old school mickey mouse, also warren spector (deus ex) directed it so it's just more interesting than typical disney stuff.

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