
Quintet (and related). Kinda want to turn this into a crash course on the company at some point, just pretty barebones for now.

The director and president of Quintet is Tomoyoshi Miyazaki, the scenario writer for the first three entries of Nihon Falcom's Ys series. Masaya Hashimoto, who served as main director, designer and programmer for the same early Ys titles, also joined Quintet with Miyazaki. Thanks to the Ys connection, composer Yuzo Koshiro (also a Ys veteran) lent his talents to the score of the company's official inaugural title, ActRaiser, a soundtrack which has since been adapted for orchestra.
The very first Quintet title, a mash-up of action/platformer and god simulation. The simulation sections really feel like a fun reward for completing the more challenging action sections.
Not really sure what compelled them to remove the simulation sections, but maybe they just wanted to focus on making the best action/platformer they could. They definitely went all out on the graphics this time, and it's even harder than the first.
the first 3D title developed by Shade, a development team within Quintet led by graphic designer Kouji Yokota.
Co-developed with Zeque
Development support
Involves some ex-Quintet staff (Shade)
Remake of ActRaiser

Little or no involvement from original staff that I know of.


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