It's a solid adventure game with some pros and cons.

The graphics are maybe slightly above average for the PS1. Full voice acting, action packed. 5 characters, all with pretty specific strengths and weaknesses.

The problem with the "action" part is that this is controlled like a point and click but plays more like an action game at times. I do wish it just had regular movement, but considering the time it was made, it probably would have been tank controls instead lol. Anyway, the problem with pointing where your character should go is that they rarely ever go exactly where you want them, especially with the camera constantly switching up to throw you off even more, so it's a constant annoyance to get your character in the exact spot you want them.

The story isn't particularly amazing, even a bit flat. The characters serve their purpose but aren't that interesting. There is a sense of urgency clear through out the game so it rarely feels like there's a time to relax and do a bunch of character exploration like other games might.

The puzzles are mostly straight forward but can get a bit tedious. The most tedious being having to acquire info from one character and communicate it to another character. They're not just absorbing all the info around them like you are, so it makes sense but it can be pretty tedious to figure out which character needs to do what and what other character needs that info so it's a whole lot of guess and check like many many adventure games.

Fully orchestrated soundtrack gives a cinematic feel which you really don't see often in a PS1 game (or many games tbh).

Overall, it's a solid adventure game with some problems that you may or may not enjoy yourself. I wouldn't whole heartedly recommend it, but it might be your thing.

Reviewed on Feb 04, 2024


2 months ago

How is the story?

2 months ago

@RedBackLoggd kinda feels like a pretty typical blockbuster movie plot. nothing special at all but keeps you engaged by being pretty action focused and constantly moving forward.

2 months ago

Interesting, thanks man. If only it was easier to access, hate emulating.