7 Reviews liked by francoddlj

muy bueno como diría mi amigo franco

(coop) marcó un antes y después en mi vida el juego culiao penca

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I bought God of War mid-pandemic in 2020, but never got to playing it until early 2021. I didn't know about anything in the game series when I picked it up, and slowly learned more about the previous games while I was playing this one. This was kind of unfortunate, because I would have loved to have had an extra layer of hype when Kratos gets his blades back. I plan to eventually come back and Platinum the game, with the only thing that is stopping be being the Niflheim grind and Sigrun (although I'll probably drop the difficulty to beat her).

Story: 9/10. Beautiful father and son story of growth. The single camera shot is such a great inclusion.

Characters: 9.5/10. All crafted perfectly, they feel like humans.

Combat: 8.5/10 (Remains interesting for majority of game)

Gameplay/Content: 9/10. Valkyries are a fun addition. Side quests are meaningful.

World: 8.5/10. Immersed worlds with each having their own uniqueness to them.

Traversal: 7/10. There are seldom moments where nothing is happening; there is often unique dialogue to keep traversal from being "boring".

Problems: None.

Favorite Part: Fighting the dragon.
Least Favorite Part: The long "loading" screens on the world tree.

Fuera coñas estaba muy guapo mi personaje favorito era la ardilla pq iba super rápido y saltaba que no veas aunque la tortuga estaba chetada pq al meterte en el caparazón te quitaba el agro de los perros pero en vdd no es pa tanto pq ya estaba el silbato para perros q sonaba to fuerte valiente truño de juego para poner un silbato para perros y que nosotros lo escuchasemos valiente mierda le voy a quitar estrellas solo por eso aunque no tantas pq el sonido d las bolsas de patatas estaban bien