10 reviews liked by free7717

I played 10 mins to unlock stripper video.

the gameplay is perfect you guys are just dumb

kinda fun but damn do the controls and some of the level design suck

My wife left me after seeing this on my account.

Multiplayer wise, one of the most influential games of the past 20 years. The whole multiplayer survival thing? Day-Z was a mod for this game. Battle Royale? Guess what Player Unknown was making prior to PUBG.

The campaign is a true story of love and loss. And a complete buggy mess, but the more sandbox nature of its design combined make it really quite enjoyable in co-op.

Incredibly powerful editing tools to boot, maybe not the most 'fun' fps in the world but boy it is an experience.

Decided to try this out as I really dug the originals style, the movement in the original once you get the hang of it feels great and the same can be said of Catalyst, however it doesn't really do anything that the original didn't, the addition of the grappling hook is cool albeit sparsely used, and as others have mentioned here the combat leaves a lot to be desired. Mirrors Edge Catalyst is "fine" and if you liked the original you will probably get a kick out of this too, but ultimately an unremarkable game.

I can't remember if this game was dumb fun or just dumb.



This game keeps me holding on that one day there might be another Lovecraft-inspired industrial game with Nine Inch Nails dark ambience as the soundtrack.

I’ve started this game countless times.

Having played OG HL2 the day before to get the last few achievements, particularly Lamba Locator, I can't say I noticed any standout differences visually. As well it actually seemed a little buggier with some triggers not activating and stuttering when quick saving. However it's still HL2 and I managed to do a straight 100% achievement run first time so I can't say I had a bad time, just a underwhelming time considering the entire point of the mod even if it was free.