51 reviews liked by frisk925

Still a great game, even a decade later! It still controls like a dream, and the gunplay is satisfying (though it only really starts to throw a good amount of enemies at you in the latter half). I like that the story isn't a bog-standard "let's go find treasure" pulp adventure thing, but more of a survival story where you're trying to get you and your friends off this Lost tier island filled with cultists. That said, it's perhaps too easy to figure out the big mystery way before Lara does (I know I'm saying this having replayed it, but this happened on my first playthrough too). The island itself is 100% my aesthetic, featuring constructs from ancient Japan, WW2 era bunkers, and the crazy building that cultists have crafted out of the remains.
I only really have two big issues: the sliding sections (the last one of which took me 20+ attempts on both playthroughs, even knowing what was coming) and that going for 100% is a massive chore that isn't even that rewarding. If I ever replay this a third time I think I'll just ignore the collectibles for a nice breezy 6 hour adventure.

What a damn good time.
The writing and story is cheesy/anime as all hell, probably expected with a crossover like this, but it's so entertaining al lthe same that it somehow works. The game in general has a whimsical tone to it that I really dig. The gameplay itself is also quite good, tho it can feel a bit off-putting early on thanks to the lack of stuff like the dodge roll. Also certain bosses and worlds were just a pain in the butt, looking at you Ansem and Atlantica, ugh.
But yeah, this was a treat and I'm glad I finally got to experience it properly.

who's idea was it to make the font arial narrow?

I genuinely don’t care man replaying this for the billionth time now that I got the Steam Deck, aka playing it PORTABLY was magical. It’s got jank but I fucking adore it. I think it’s one of the most enduring games ever. Booting it up, getting a few emblems, raising a chao, improving ranks, it’s soul. You don’t have to agree with Shadow but the mob can’t make me not love him. He is my brother. We are both dragon energy. I don’t agree with everything anyone says. That’s what makes us individuals. And we have the right to free thought.

the game got a lot less fun once I realised enemies only have to match four colours instead of the six you have

I initially played the Switch port. I didn’t think it was anything special, but hearing it was a bad port and that a better version existed did make me want to see what the fuss was about on PC. Happy to say this was really fun, though the first DLC is very noticeably weaker than the second. I played whilst recovering from a Norovirus right before my summer semester started, and it was like a nice shot in the arm. This game was just a good, cute, charming 3D platformer. As that genre has fallen to the wayside, it’s really nice to play one that’s relatively new and love it. Please, play the PC port. Avoid the Switch one. Switch port’s probably a 3/5, as there’s still a good core game being marred by its issues. This review covers my experience on PC/Steam Deck and how much I enjoyed it.

Fans of powerscaling randoms with omnipotent isekai dogshit self-insert powers who can beat Goku are not ready for when Terraria fans finally join the discussion.

Tried a replay on ps5. To see if my thoughts changed with updates and a better system. Noticing more glitches and general issues. Every Sonic fan who harassed me when I said it was mid on twitter especially that guy with the poorly drawn Gengar sona who shouldn’t touch a pen or keyboard again for that matter, I apologize. I was wrong. It isn’t mid. It’s BAD! There. I changed for you!