Shadow of the Erdtree did not disappoint at all.

Well, except the final encounter which I'll get to later. I spent the first 5 hours just exploring the Land of Shadow and I quickly realized that you can almost explore the entire map without having to fight any bosses which I loved. This place is absolutely huge, like a deck of cards with all the layers it has to offer and the art direction is the best it has ever been in a FromSoftware title so it is an absolute blast riding Torrent around everywhere.

I was previously running a Faith build with the Magma Blades but once I got my hands on the Great Katana's, it was simply over. This is what I ended up using for the whole DLC and it felt awesome having access to Monster Hunter's Long Sword combos when you two-hand a single odachi. However I did end up wielding two of them after a while and my whole playstyle revolved around powerstance'd jump attacks. This is cringe to mention but I did no summons which sadly made me miss out on some quests but it is what it is.


I think all of the bosses are great, some stand out more than the others but I'd still say they're all up there in the A to SS Tier. The final boss though... this fight is just not good in my opinion and it wasn't satisfying whatsoever to defeat them, I personally put this fight in C Tier lol.

My favorite fights were Messmer, Midra and Bayle. I'm gonna be honest though, Bayle probably would be lower had I not defeated him without taking any damage. It was the coolest shit I have ever done in any of these games. Here's the clip.

I can't comment too much about the soundtrack because I find it hard to really absorb it especially during boss fights when I'm fighting for my life but I think it's better than the base game from the bits I was able to take in.

I finished everything but the final boss in about 30 hours and that last fight took me 10 hours to beat. Like I've previously mentioned, I do not like it which is the sole reason I'm taking off that half star and just like that this is wraps.

Reviewed on Jun 29, 2024


2 days ago

final boss top 10 most bogus

21 hrs ago

fuck big R all my homies hate big R

18 hrs ago

both spitting facts @coap @zynq