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1 day

Last played

June 27, 2023

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Rival Turf is the first entry in the Rushing Beat trilogy, which are essentially beat em ups similar to Final Fight.

Before I started the game, I saw the lower score here and others calling this a brutally bad game, and I was surprised at first how decent it was. The combat is rather simple, you can jump, kick, punch and grab enemies in order to toss them around. The overall atmosphere is alright and the themes of the levels were stylish and charming.

The enemies were a major surprise because unlike Final Fight, here the different types can also behave very differently to your attacks. Some might counter you, some can hit you during a combo and these are really surprising, making the game feel more varied.

The bosses are very hit or miss, because some of them are really fun to fight with, the first one especially and the Captain near the end.

The problem is, that the game does not know when to stop a level, and some of them are so long that you lose interest in the whole game because of it. Level length should be the third most important thing to look out for when developing a beat em up. The first one is of course, the combat and the second one is sound and music, which are both serviceable here.

I do not get the hate and the 2,2 score, it is a bit boring, yes, but otherwise harmless beat em up.