I won't speak without my lawyer present because this game is a crime

The toast scene is peak R07. Lots of potential, looking forward to the future of this series. Let's check how is phase 2 development going...

Oh... sigh

The first 1/4 of the game felt painfully tedious, almost made me drop, but it actually gets pretty enjoyable once they let you freely roam the full map at your leisure.

The idea has charm, although the execution gets pretty wonky at times, it felt more appropriate for a smaller game like the first entry.

The constant bombarding of references isn't enough to carry these many hours of following a plot that i don't really care about.

Jaja si que weno el final fantasy 7 lo jugaba con mi primo manolo de chico

Idk man, it doesn't hit as hard as the original

On the weaker side to me. Idk I expected it to be more subtle and neatly tied and have something deeper to say, but I guess you can't ask too much from a 2h free game.

My first contact with the SH franchise, hopefully the praised older games are closer to my expectations.

I'm positive that Last Note could have been great if it had been a fully fleshed out arc.

Some funny stories, some sad stories, some boring stories

Fuck you Bern

First half is the "make it painfully obvious" arc, second half have some great moments