I wanted to like this game but it feels so unfinished that it hurts. I couldn't progress at certain point because the game would sometimes crash. My only good point is the music and the graphics.

The graphics were good for the time but the 3D camera and the tank movement was almost unplayable. Also shooting animals for no reason is a big no for me. 1.5 star for the significance for the industry and for trying something different that created a sub genre of 3d jungle games.

Good concept and fun to play in coop but too repetitive and easy.

What happens if you pick NFS Shift 1 engine and just lazily slap some licensed ferrari cars in? A bad game.

First play and I reversed into a Tesla, 8/10.

The worst game I ever played on play station 3. It's boring, there is no characters, no story, the graphics were 10 years old when it was released. Even the soundtrack and gunplay which is ehat duke nuke is famous for is bland.

Straight up boring and weird even, it's by far the worst DMC game. To quote the Godfather movie "Look what they did to my boy!"