One of the best platformers ever created, period. The controls are not that tight for today's standard but it is still very fun and hasn't dated mechanically.


This game proved that is possible to make a water level enjoyable. What a masterpiece! The game tells a story about healing without a single word. Alongside it we get to meet several species (some that don't even exist anymore) and enbark in a journey with spectacular visuals and soundtrack. A must play if you like biology or are just looking for a sit back and relax type of game.

The PSP version is not as good as the other games of this series.

Really fun and one of the best casual games. I think this will end up a classic just like snake and tetris in the future.

This is the best installment in the DMC series for me. The controls and levels are fun, the story and between Dante and his brother Virgil is intriguing and even the side characters like Lady are interesting. This is a must play for any hack and slash fan.

The worst game I ever played on play station 3. It's boring, there is no characters, no story, the graphics were 10 years old when it was released. Even the soundtrack and gunplay which is ehat duke nuke is famous for is bland.

The best in what it is trying to be: A truck driving simulator. A must play if you have a steering wheel.

Straight up boring and weird even, it's by far the worst DMC game. To quote the Godfather movie "Look what they did to my boy!"

A full AAA racing game with everything one would want: realistic driving, wheel support, multiplayer that works, plenty of mods and challenging career. Plus they updated the game adding new content for over 5 years after release!

Pretty average racing game but the soundtrack was pretty memorable plus there is a fun extra card game inside of it.

"To the window, to the ground..."

The perfected what was already a great game. Plus the open world and neon aesthetics was on point with this era. And don't even get me started on the in depth tuning.

Minecraft is perfect for what is trying to achieve: being a full on sandbox game!