Minecraft is perfect for what is trying to achieve: being a full on sandbox game!

Nice variety of vehicles, classes and maps. The coop was really fun to play back in the day, especially in the open world maps.

One of the best hack and slashes ever made with on of the best super heroes ever created.

Such a unique shooter. I wish we had more tactical third person shooters today. The AI is very challenging and the fact that you do not control all soldiers but give than commands that can lead to their death ramps up the tension.

This game takes everything great about the previous NFS and raises up a notch by adding fun and challenge cops. The story is cheesy but interesting enough for a racing game and the concept of giving a great car at the start of the game and than taking it away is genious. Even if the controls and hit boxes are a little dated it is a must play racing game.

One of the most unique combat systems ever, it's so good that a lot of games were inspired by it.

If you like over the top action and funny characters in a game that doesn't take itself seriously at all than this game is for you.

Although it's not my favorite burnout it's definitely the one more polished and with more content. It's really fun, with a vast amount of cars, musics and modes. Plus road rage is back!

I wanted to like this game but it feels so unfinished that it hurts. I couldn't progress at certain point because the game would sometimes crash. My only good point is the music and the graphics.

The graphics were good for the time but the 3D camera and the tank movement was almost unplayable. Also shooting animals for no reason is a big no for me. 1.5 star for the significance for the industry and for trying something different that created a sub genre of 3d jungle games.

It's wild that this game was made by blizzard. One of the best game sound tracks ever.

Good concept and fun to play in coop but too repetitive and easy.