Back in black. Although I liked arkham city story better this one has one of the boldest decisions I've ever seen a game series, the way the game starts and the way they bring both characters back in a concise way is mind blowing. As gameplay, sound and graphics this one is the best DC up to this date. It's a shame what they did to my boy in Gotham Knights. Only lost half a star because often the batmobile (which is cool and almost it's own character) sections feel numb and most of the side content feels mindless and only there to make the game bigger, arkham city and asylum had a perfect combination of riddler throphies and side quests while this just feels overwhelming cash grab. Play the main story and you won't forget it!

What a simple but fun idea.


Good game but very buggy. Mod support is awesome and plenty of stuff to do. Played with a steering wheel but it doesn't support it officially.

An okay racing game, the best part were the soundtrack and the ragdoll on crashes were pretty impressive for the time. The selection of bikes is nice and the sense of speed was decent. But the AI was very annoying and the 2 bikes races were horrible. Also comparing with games of the same year the graphics are god awful.

Not my favorite GTA game but actually like the serious tone it brings to the franchise. Also several mechanics were introduced here and carried on to 5 while some things were so advanced (like the vehicle destruction and advanced ragdoll) that Rockstar didn't have time to implement them in 5. I didn't like the social aspect though. Overall good game.

An okay Sims game for a free Facebook title.

Very fun back in the day. Played through orkut.

Good game, very advanced graphics, effects and physics for a mobile game at the time. The controls were arcade and easy. Racing was fun and the music selection was a blast. On the contrary the online mode was unstable and punitive and there were so many micro-transactions that you couldn't even play missions from the career at one point without paying money.


The first online game I ever played. Pretty innovative for it's time. Could be played by everyone in any potato PC and creating an account was easy and could be made in seconds. The downside is that it had little to no moderation and more than half of the content was only available using micro transactions. Otherwise a fun game/social experience.

It's not that bad, the immersion from the movie is there but it gets boring and repetitive quickly.

I had forgot that this game existed until I saw in my YouTube recommendations. I gave 1 star because the art and music aren't bad, but they are so overused that they get boring after 1 hour. What a piece of sh*t.