got striked on youtube for this game smile

fun when it first came out, then the gameplay got repetitive and now its down in the dumps...o how the mighty fall

bought this during a halloween sale then got frustrated with a boss fight i think it was and then dropped it. i'd like to play it again though now that i have better gamer sense now

should be catogorized as a horror game

i cant believe this game has made me cry multiple times

i have so much love for this game. i love these slimes so fockin much

fun to mess around in, very good for art references, poggin sound effects

fun game to play when i want to feel like im good at doing stuff

bought it because i wanted to get the hotline miami bean skin. didn't get it

played this with a friend once, it kinda sucked

bought this bc my friend in middle school got it and wanted to show me the ropes, dropped it bc it all looked too dry

tbh, it was a great brain shut off game, big fan of the character designs


here i learn that platformers arent really my thing. very pretty though

there was a lot of brain is small...maybe ill come back to it


i should come back to this game and play with a controller bc its hell with keeb and mouse