201 Reviews liked by getsugasaiho

actually the most hilarious game ever. 5 stars solely bc the experience cannot be recreated. has u gasping ever ten seconds because of another inane plot twist . please play if u have played the other games solely because of the experience of it.

I'm sorry, am I meant to be angry? Am I supposed to be mad that this game sucks ass? It is genuinely hilarious how bad every aspect of this game is. I can't help but laugh anytime I imagine someone who unironically thought Zero Time Dilemma was the best visual novel ever made back in 2012, waiting day after day that the sequel to your favorite series (which might I add only continued due to fan support) strikes lightning in a bottle twice, and when it finally does, you get this shit. How can I be mad? This is hilarious!

Zero Time Dilemma is the Shenmue 3 of Visual Novels, the Hunt Down The Freeman of mystery stories, and the fact that this was well recieved upon release only fuels my conviction that Uchikoshi is a hack with Naoki Urasawa Syndrome and can only write the same mystery story every time no matter how many stories he makes. The schadenfreude I get from shit talking this game is unparalleled, there's really no point in trying to make a coherent train of thought for ZTD but since it's so bad it warps itself into being funny, I think there are a few noteworthy thinks that make it an enjoyable experience compared to Virtue's Last Reward for me despite my score.

- The model quality is a surprising step up from VLR but jesus the animations on these are hilariously awful, Eric is always laughing no matter the occasion, the lip flaps aren't even close to matching on either language and everyone moves like puppets on a string, it makes Sonic Adventure 2's cutscenes look professional.
- What I tend to like the most about visual novels is how you can read the story at your own pace, be it a speedreader or an overanalyser, everyone can process the story at different intervals that make them comfortable with the experience. Throwing that out the window is a daringly bold move if you don't consider that they were trying to rip off telltale games's approach to gameplay with cutscene work that only rivals Yandere Simulator
- The escape rooms are pretty much the only thing that is consistent with the rest of the series to compensate for the neutered returning characters, but the flowchart is probably the worst one of out all, not only is it needlessly long, but the disordered nature of it's structure means you'll be clicking aimlessly through out of order events which feel like extremely inconsequential stepping stones until you reach that wet fart of an ending.
- It is clear that Uchikoshi wrote himself into a corner since VTL, and though I can feel pity on him, Zero escape is nowhere near the top 5 most convoluted and complex video game narratives, let alone for visual novels, so he only has himself to blame for making this jenga tower of a plot structure and failing to stick the landing.
- Multiverse theory is a load of horseshit and did irreperable damage to science fiction.

Literally the WORST game I've ever played, you cant do worse than this. The character models are so horrendous that ends up being unintentionally funny tho

This would've probably gotten a 4/5 if Eric and Mira weren't in the game

the game was really fun. some insane non-sense plot twists. and the ending plot twist was so stupid. i need a 4th game, ushikoshi

I would score this somewhere between a 1.5-2.5 out of respect for the incredible drop in quality from the prequels to... here. However, I'd really heavily suggest playing this even though it's not nearly as good. There's a chance one of your friends will, someday, want to play it - and if they let you follow along to watch their reactions, it's a cathartic shit-flinging festival by the end. God is it fun.

They may keep asking you why you're grinning and chuckling. Do not answer them.

i got mind hacked in to buying this game i think

It kind of wasn't good at all but I still enjoyed (???????) playing it, if only to say that I finished it

Unfortunately, I think this is the weakest game of the Zero Escape Trilogy. The rules of the in-universe game are not well defined and interesting as previous games. The artstyle isn't bad but doesn't look well in motion. Some plot reveals seem to come out of nowhere. Half the cast is annoying or uninteresting and there are some puzzles that are used multiple times. Overall the game isn't bad, but it pales in comparison to the first two.

It's good but it doesnt live up to the first 2 games, I'm sure if someone new to the series was to play this they would enjoy it very much because the puzzles are fun and I like the fact they brought back some old characters but maybe they did it too much, also the game doesnt make as much sense as the first game and the story doesnt fit together as well, still good though

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Some compelling character moments, and a lot of very uncompelling ones.
There aren't enough escape rooms overall. It takes a while to reach the first one after starting the game and there are none for the final portion of the game either.
Everything from the twist onwards is unintentionally hilarious and great to watch people react to.

its so fucking funny for no reason
carlos is the best character in fiction
diana i love you

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More zero escape, and for the most part holds up, the puzzles and whatnot are better than ever and the story really kicks the intensity up a notch. However a couple of the twists especially delta was stupid ah hell and visually they really dropped the ball with this one.

Not that bad if you pretend it’s a messed up sitcom. Carlos is the second funniest character in the series