Mafia II 2010

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Maybe not the perfect game by industry standards but it holds a place in my heart no other game has been able to take.
Mafia II is an excellent and interesting take on the ''mob lifestyle'' between the period of the 1940s and 1950s.
The more 'down to earth' tone of the game makes me fall in love with the narrative. It feels like what is happening CAN happen in real life (Obviously making an exception to the over-the-top action moments included for gameplay reasons) and it manages to create a gripping storyline throughout all the chapters.

For its' time, it was also quite surprising how much freedom you would get in, what feels like, a makeshift open world. Even though the game is not built around exploring the city, when you do get the chance to do so, it feels immersive and beautiful. Stores have weather appropriate clothes, the cars and their colors seem to change and adapt to the time period, the radio stations are precisely crafted.

Mafia II is an excellent experience in a niche gaming genre. To me, it will (probably) always be my favorite game of all time.