played this all the time as a kid, but was so incredibly bad at it the story never progressed. all i did was endlessly rearrange the overworld objects and play the minigames. still loved it though. maybe i should revisit it now i'm an adult and actually competent.


in all seriousness, this game is fun, although the mobile version does crash a lot.

i couldn't even begin to estimate the amount of hours i've put into this game. i played it so much as a kid that sometimes when i closed my eyes all i could see were fucking plants. one time i played for about 8 hours straight and when i tried to sleep at night all my brain could do was endlessly plan out pvz strategies. it was torture. still 5 stars tho

the gnomes kept biting me on the ass

me and my brother got stuck in the middle of year 2 in 2015 and haven't gotten further since

don't even call yourself a real gamer if you didn't collect all the mushrooms in flips: faraway tree.

my uncle is one of the only people in his city who still plays this and controls all the gyms in his local area as a result. king behaviour.

probably the only exercise i got as a kid.

okay playing normally, but is way funnier when you and your friends:
1) intentionally play random notes and rate yourself 100, then create the weirdest record sleeve possible
2) play exclusively as the cat, dog, cheerleader, and rapper, leading to something glorious unrecognisable from the original song

this had no right to slap so hard.

friendship test and balance boat were the goat

the find mii minigame was a banger ngl.

real ones know that the best strat is circuit special/mach 8 and slick/cyber slick.