I could not get the hang of how to play, and it was really frustrating to have the dialogue dependent on what cards you had in your deck. It seems like it would have been a really interesting story though.

Really cool and fun, I just couldn't handle my companions dying

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It's amazing going through each story and at first, you naturally want to root for the character you're playing, but then you slowly realize that they're all horrible people who deserved what they got.

I have to say, playing this as a kid on my mum's completed save file, I had absolutely no idea what was going on but it was fun


It sounds like a super cool concept, but it's so slow and laggy that I didn't even finish the tutorial

I am so so stuck on this one level

I honestly am not sure how I would have beat some of those levels if I wasn't playing co-op with my mum

I wish I had known you can return games on steam