25 Reviews liked by glogbob

Graphically and stylistically this game slaps but its so short and brief to the point of fustration. This along with the fact that its a part one of a series that never had any more parts made, makes this one to admire the ideas of from afar and thats about it.

Lamest main quest I've seen in a while, "choose between 2 disrespectful motherfuckers, one of them betrays you out of NOTHING and the other one will finally give you some insight and lore AFTER the quest!!!" Bethesda was onto NOTHING.

Despite of this tho, the map is a great addition to the game, it's big enough, some good sidequests, new enemies and shit. Kinda wacky too.

PC port with Rollback and the Guilty Gear series will be in grave danger

The lost step brother of Psychonauts and Monkey Island who died at 3 years old.
Part 2 when :copium:

may not be the best game ive played, but it's certainly the most charming. despite some frustrating puzzles and mechanics this thing has top-notch writing, characters, soundtrack, worldbuilding and voice acting. with so many excellent components i do wish the actual gameplay held up a bit better, yet with the aid of a walkthrough it's entirely worth the mild frustrations. would happily recommend, but a gameplay guide is encouraged haha

Majestic beauty and unimaginable splendor have intertwined and bestowed upon us this gem of a game.
A gem of such incredibly bad quality, but is at the same time so amusing you feel glad you've delved deep enough to understand and appreciate its intricacies.
Despite being a terrible game in every regard from its story to the overall way everything is presented, try to shut your brain off like you would while watching a bad comedy and you'll find this was worth playing through.
Definitely one of the video games ever made.

new idea for an ending: instead of all the nonsense that happens, a giant bomb blows up the stupid town they live in. Mae goes "ugh? this is like painful??" and the credits roll.

this game is so boring if i wanted to watch the story of an anxious college dropout i would check myself on the mirror more often. Two stars because the gay couple is the only fun you get from this thing.

The Bubble Bass of Gaming burst into the creator's studio.
"You forgot the GAMEPLAY!!" he screams at them. The creator is swift to react, he grabs Bubble Bass' tongue, underneath it... gasp... it's the dialogue options! "No way" says one and "Oh God" spells the other.

Yo this game sucks. Anyways, my balls itch, I'm scratchin' my nuts rn lmfao

maybe this game's overall message is a metaphor for someone permanently trapped in the caverns of 2015 tumblr trying to escape, i see no other excuse as to why a game made in 2020 has a character unironically say the word 'heckin' to me

removing stakes from your papers please clone only makes for a really boring game, at one point i started blasting black flag and randomly clicking shit bc i just wanted it to be over

Yes I’m part of the problem Skyrim is my comfort game don’t judge me.

There was a time this game was something I could sit down and play for long periods of time. That time has since passed. It's not aged that well, the combat is boring and doesn't inspire me to continue and neither does the story.

There is no meaningful reason for this to exist.