Custer walked so that hentai games on Steam could run.

When you pop in this game, the first thing you will notice is the poor edging on Woody, the character you control in the game. The Toy Story movie was done with Silicon Graphics computers and the instruction booklet says the game's graphics were created with the same 3D computer models that were used in the making of the blockbuster movie. We don't know, however if the game actually used Silicon Graphics computers.

This review was written before the game released

I really hope this ends up being a solid game. I don't trust Sonic Team anymore but there's still a small chance they could get their act together to make a decent game again, right?

Why didn't they do something cute for playing as Amy in CD?
Why didn't they make it so that Sonic gets captured by Metal and she has to go save him?
That could've been cute and charming.
But no, they just did the absolute bare minimum.
Save your money.

I genuinely liked Sonic Origins and thought a lot of the hate was overblown, that they could iron out the issues and we could've had a genuinely great Sonic collection, but no, that was apparently too tall of an order. They couldn't even emulate 30 year-old Gamegear games right. What a joke.

Pearl and Marina are lesbians you cannot deny.

Pretty good but falls into the category of 'games from the late 2000s and early 2010s whose idea of morality is "Do you want to be cartoonishly evil or nah?"'

If this is not your favourite Angry Birds game then we cannot be friends.

Surprisingly a very good way to play MGS3 which plays way better than it has any right to. Really handy if you don't have easy access to the HD collection or a PS2.

Wrap it up, it's been a good run, but I think the franchise is dead.
This game was Popcap's last shot after so many bad decisions, and they blew it. Many of said decisions were influenced by EA of course, and it truly shows.
This just made me sad to play, all of the charm from the original two games is gone and there's hardly anything left of what made this franchise special originally. After the lacklustre sales of BFN, and now the disappointment of this game, I don't see a lively future for this franchise, and that's extremely upsetting.
You had a good run, PvZ, this is the end of the line.

Been playing the remaster that came out recently. Remember when mobile games were just fun, bite-sized games for cheap that weren't trying to milk money out of you? Good times, good times.
Now give us more remasters like this please, I'd really love that.

Edit: Fuck you Rovio

If I see that "Discord is down, gotta bring back Pictochat" meme on Twitter again I am going to commit mass genocide.

"How about we take Mario Maker and take away the part that made it fun?"