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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 8, 2024

Platforms Played


Damn, it really is THAT bad.

Just when you think that the graphics and the sound design have let you down as much as you could be, the writing jumps in to sink this game even further into "unplayable" territory. It is a bleak exercise in tedium, with maddening, incomprehensible map design leading players down endless dimly lit hallways of various dimensions, dragging them into seemingly endless combat scenarios in which every enemy knows your exact location and can kill you in a few short bursts.

The pulse rifle sound is hugely overrated and the looping nature of it sucks. It feels like Gearbox forced the inclusion of certain iconic sounds into gameplay purely because they had been paid for. You WILL learn to hate the pinging radar sound of approaching aliens in 30 seconds.

Fucking useless dumbshit Randy Pitchford has his greasy handprints all over this unsalvageable turd of a game. Thanks a lot, you sweaty, coked-up nonce. Why don't you go create BattleBorne, asshole.