I am absolving myself of the responsibility of finishing this DLC. I probably only have an hour and change left to grind through, but this is not an improvement on the previous DLC or the base game, so I'm over it. This just adds more of the same types of challenges, but with more annoying enemies. Not awesome!

Dead flop that I played, like, one time during my senior year of high school!

Magnificent display of the magic and power of video games and 50 Cent. Just unreal.

Ooouuggghhh....I took critical damage from this game back when I rented it from Blockbuster in ye olde 2008. I should have simply rented SOCOM: Combined Assault for the 800th time instead, my mistake.

Too short, but it's one of the best damn Half Life 1 mods out there in my opinion.

To the thousands of men that I spent hundreds of hours with: SALUTE, MY BROTHERS o7

Together we crawled through the fetid mud of the Rhineland, our limbs blown asunder by potato masher 'nades, our craniums getting boinked by an eagle-eyed Kraut with his bolt-action up in a tower. This was THE game to introduce me to any form of immersive, semi-realistic war-game and I will forever be grateful.

Ken Levine, you beautiful bastard, this very well might be the best thing you've ever created.

Even today, I am astonished they were able to make and release this on the Playstation 2. I remember being absolutely bowled over by the quality of the graphics, plus the seamless integration of CG cutscenes which utilized all of the main cast of the television show (at which time I was also watching religiously). Hilariously, revisiting it many years later revealed my childhood ability to handle the lowest of all low framerates. 24: The Game? More like 24 Frames per Second. Uh, or, uh. More like 2 to 4 Frames per Second. Okay whatever, you get the point.

This is the Ace Combat game that consumed me as a teenager. The absolute sickest one of the series (that I've played).

I'll have to actually finish it one day, but, much like the first one, it's kinda nice with it!

Well, it's better than the Ubisoft Shanghai version at least, since it's effectively just more Chaos Theory.

Okay, I'll say it: it's the best Tomb Raider game by a country mile.

At the time, it was surprisingly great. My standards were...different at that age.

Primo vintage licensed movie tie-in game (pejorative)

I tell you what: Sherwood wasn't amazing, but I'll be damned if it wasn't free and accessible via web browser. Sometimes, that's all that matters to a kid who just wants to do some dungeon-crawling and hacking-and-slashing. Fond memories of this game and website, glad I can't revisit it to ruin them.