5 reviews liked by godofsnails

This is undoubtedly one of the best games of all time. It’s definitely dated in some ways like how you can get softlocked at the end there. The game also doesn’t hold your hand which is both one of it’s biggest strengths and also one of its biggest weaknesses. I had to transform into a 90s kid because I needed to use a game guide to get me through this game lmfao

The soundtrack is fire and the spritework is nothing short of magnificent. People say the environmental storytelling is some of the best in gaming but I wasn’t too impressed by that aspect.

The rate at unlocking everything is well paced and it really makes you feel like you’re actually on a mission to save this cute lil metroid. The ending is dope, however, the final boss took me well over an hour to try to beat. I was ready to give up and watch the ending on youtube but I persevered and actually got it done. What helped was that I destroyed those barriers then I went back up a floor to restore all of my energy and missiles for the fight. I managed to do it in one go after that.

So yeah, this was awesome and I loved it, despite the moments where I became frustrated (I notice games do that to me a lot lol). What elevates this for me is the aesthetic, I just love the borderline-horror sci-fi shit that’s going on here. I’m a big fan

Once every few years, there's a game that completely takes over my life. Its all I can think about, its all I want to give my time to. This year, Tears of the Kingdom was the closest thing to that, until Baldurs Gate 3. I expected a great game, sure, especially after Divinity: OS 2, but this was something else.

I don't think BG3 does anything "new", but it dials up everything we know about RPGs by 100x. The bar has never been higher. I have never felt more immersed in a world and its inhabitants, never felt like my decisions actually mattered in the end, never experienced true freedom of choice, than in Baldurs Gate 3. I am in awe of what this game has achieved and the depth contained in this one adventure. I can't wait for an enhanced edition or expansion so I can experience it all over again.

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pretty great - not really a review, just a thought journal.

Ending of episode 1 was great/wild, even though I spoiled the very end of it for myself. Episode 4 was even better though.

very spoilery

Minerva's arrival at the bridge is the single best thing that ever happened in the game series. I know I'm fresh off it, but it might be one of the coolest things in the entire TWDU. RIP my boy Tennessee, though, hated losing him like that. was considering going back through and not trusting AJ so the outcome would have been violet and clem both dying but at least AJ has his buddy Tenn....even though he hilariously called him stupid so many times. BUT I was absolutely shocked when Clem showed up at the end, like dear god that twist was so well done. I thought it was some kind of dream sequence. I've always regretted choosing to tell Clem not to shoot Lee, so I went with telling AJ to kill clem. it was rough watching AJ swing that axe down on her. no thought whatsoever that he went for the leg. heck I was worried Violet would be upset with him for shooting Tenn to save her; and then I thought it was her calling him goofball, and was like oh that's nice, but then it was Clementine (plus Violet not holding grudge over Tenn)! So I was happy to keep my gals Clementine and Violet together. Don't remember much from the previous games, but that feels like the toughest choice/consequence in the games, ending up with Tenn or Violet getting killed, at least for me personally. I think they nailed the landing, great ending to the game and the series. at least for my play through, guess I don't know all the other possible outcomes. Oh and the song during the episode 4 credits was beautiful.

p.s. if your grandma is dying, stop watching cartoons.

mission 15 rules. such a cool night time level. the rest of the game is neat too. this is my in depth review. thanks.

I really enjoyed playing through all 9 movies and was even excited for the boss fights which were surprisingly kinda fun. But the open world gets very boring very fast and holds the game back.