Becoming an IPad Kid.

As my life force is being withered away from and by work (and personal life stuff slay), meself bought an IPad to be chronically online on very big phone scween :). Aimed to Procreate til eternity, I stumbled however onto the Apple Arcade and now finally i have games on my phone tablet.

Represents a "first pass" of games I have played.

What the Car?
What the Car?
On paper, it should have every success shared to it‘s golf counter-part - it‘s polish, it‘s artstyle… But my god is it painfully boring. Mind-boggingly stupid twists like „🤓ehm what if Car is on a Mug, but moves a fast as you move when someone opens the door for you but you are a tad bit far away so you have to do that awkward fast-fake-walk🤔“ that aren‘t fun to play, nor really engaging at all. Coupled with the awkward length of each level, it‘s such a chore to just push through that I can‘t be bothered - I want a recontextualized and fun „car experience“ - not experiences about not being a car >:(

What‘s really the icing on the cake is: the game can be good. I did a „daily level-set“ thingy and saw a glimpse into how well What the Car is and plays! If only the rest of the game had enough confidence to it's players. Why needlessly baby the player in the story with shitty mechanics? Who wants to walk as a car?!
Where Cards Fall
Where Cards Fall
More like where Cards be falling asleep; Pinching a tent (or a house) to create new platforms is cool and all, wish it wouldn’t be so unbearably slow in every conceivable fashion. Doesn’t help the story it tries to tell is bogged down by it’s relatively low production - rigid character animations, grunting along slowly with poor-ish lighting ain’t really smth that drags me into whatever they trying to tell me.
Bleak Sword
Bleak Sword
I do not care about Mobile Souls-like that seek to only emulate it’s tough "dodge and timing" combat while discarding the good juices of it’s inspiration (world-building and aesthetics): Fuckin barren ass pixel aesthetic really serving no nuthin.
Hidden Folks
Hidden Folks
I remember scouring through dozens of Wimmelbilder when I was little: Putting your face close to the drawings, eyes dotting through nooks and crannies, manifesting headcanons; just enjoying an imaginery snapshot of a community simply existing.

I get that Hidden Folks is just a more interactive interpretations of Where’s Waldo, yet I feel like it’s digital medium is a weird burden to it. A nagging whisper following it’s every presence: “…be more Interactive…. Be More Interactive!” - Sure, every mouth-made bloop followed after a touch is cute, yet I do not want the picture to change. Really hate how every touch can lead to something changing - so you just aimlessly tap away hoping to find the X in your canvas of Ys and Zs. Too busy to tap, less time to actually look and admire the crowd.
Rayman Mini
Rayman Mini
Ever since the peak of Legends, Ubisoft has just done fuck knows with Rayman. The best thing they came up with is too carve out it's juicy intestines, slab an autorunner in it's beautiful UbiArt husk and shippin it to Mobile Vendors. Recently with Adventures and now Rayman Mini: It‘s wonderous USP (unique selling point) - what if Raymond was eeny bity tiny skrunkly 🥺👉👈.

This really isn’t Rayman’s first Mobile Auto Running venture (Jungle Run happened on the first iPhone I think and was fine), but this felt like the most contradictory in its game design. UbiArt Rayman’s have these intricate timed and designed musical stages, that require precision and timing from the player to complete. The older Mobile games did follow this design dogma to a T, yet with Mini it feels… sluggish? 100% completing levels requires you to search for every lum and not everyone is down the fastest and clearest path, making you do that weird awkward walk-around and it sucks. The only real motivator that Mini brought was its ever expanding costume and roster changes that could be unlocked upon completing more levels to 100%. And yeah fuck that.
JellyCar Worlds
JellyCar Worlds
As if crude level designs from a 10-year-old came to live. Luv softbodies, they never cease to amaze me. Squish, squeeze and bumble around as a scrimblo car on a sheet of paper. Physics-based controls however 🤢
Would probably be alot better on the smaller screen, it feels quite crude always having to tilt my ipad to turn the car around.
It‘s fun and competently put together and I'm glad to see that, given I have enjoyed lot's of the developers educational design-related content on Social Media.
Super Leap Day
Super Leap Day
The high-fidelity sequel to Nitrome’s mobile super success is pretty much more of the same, amping up the Sonic-spirit in some places and Nitrome pullin it’s A-game in the vis-house. It’s a much more polished and refined experienced, guaranteed, yet I never really got to enjoy the original Leap Day due to it’s, at times, clashing level design with it’s one-touch-jump mechanic ethos and the same sadly prevails here. With spiky difficulty, frustratingly tight jumps and trial-by-fire level design, summing this experience up is like running against a brick wall and hoping to phase through.
Old Man's Journey
Old Man's Journey
Bitches (me) love playing around with Spline Curves disguised as rolling mountains. Double win as I always got to push my local indie scene in Vienna - Broken Rules de-facto game about an old man hiking and contemplating about past regrets (real). A (almost trivial) tranquil experience that is swift and endearing.
A King really be a uni student at the end of the day, as I always end up with no money somehow.
Exceptional example of where an artstyle can hamper or excel the overall experience. Really recommend everyone to just push through to the first collectible to get the Dreaming “Art-pack” that is visually much more interesting than the synth-core-y bland geometric artstyle you start with - I don’t get why developer seem to explicitly want to start the player off with poorer, less engaging choices that can turn lots of people off for the sake of progression and unlockability.
Tiny Wings
Tiny Wings
Tiny Wings holds a sentimental part of my youth having played endless hours of it on my first smartphone. And how couldn’t I? Watching birds climb and slide through hills and valleys as the lil birdie soars through the sky via the one-touch-gameplay is so gratifying.
Now a decade later, booting up the game and it not having changed a single feather hit me with a wave of nostalgia. Watching the birb perfectly carve through the valley and blast to the air dumps my brain with the same stuff as like watching tiktoks for an hour.
Bird be flying frfr
What the Golf?
What the Golf?
Real Life Golfing 🤢 Video Game Golfing 🥰
I’ve known about What the Golf ever since I first saw its GDC (Experimental Games Workshop 2019) Segment: A comedy-esque, wario-ware, vignette-like carousel of twisting and recontextualizing the experience of golfing. Unlike it’s real-life elitist counterpart, It’s suprisingly fun! Definitely expected a more “haha reddit humor 🫵🤓“ from this, but kept being delighted about how much variety they sprinkled throughout it‘s brisk runtime. Ragdolling people to the goal pole, Racing past kids, SUPERHOT-ing through segments - all packaged in this bit-sized, highly polished experience, absolutely fitting for mobile devices! Definitely wished they could have gone a bit more overboard than they decided to go, but aside from that, 'issa wonderful three hours that confidently walks towards the finish line, only to slip and break it‘s leg at the end of the game.
Cricket Through the Ages
Cricket Through the Ages
Suprisingly fun! Fuck knows what to expect from a Free Lives games, their gameography is as unpredicatable as it gets. From Broforce to Genital Jousting to TerraNil, they really just be developing per vibe. I luv it.

Absolutely silly, bite-sized QWOP-like gameplay, narrated through a David Attenborough-like voice through a silly cricketized version of human history. Each chapter giving a new variation of it’s simple one-touch-hold-release gameplay, while never overstaying it’s welcome, nor being frustrating or boring.

Cricket causin World Wars is wild however
Good Sudoku
Good Sudoku
I always enjoy Zach Gage’s games. There is a sense of tactile accessibility to each of them, that no matter what walk of live or gaming-background you come from, you can still enjoy his games at any capacity. Every game ever so enforcing and justifying its playful format, making the most of swipes, taps, letters and numbers.

Good Sudoku is probably the most refined sudoku experience out there. Especially love its adamant efforts to squeeze every possible droplet of vibes through nothing but font choices, colors and soundscape. Every bleep so eloquently gleeful. Every completion a minor victory crescendo. So Gewd.
If a Feedback Loop could serve cunt: Lining up a 20 Hit Chain and seeing your dude Jorj just going absolutely ham on these colorful critters as blood and gore wash through the screen is so cathartic and addicting. What a blunt and satisfying experience. Capy Games finally realized how to make a good game (shocking)
Ridiculous Fishing EX
Ridiculous Fishing EX
Thought it would destined to be unplayable abandonware for eternity. So naturally, I was extremely excited to finally try it's Apple Arcade revival, knowing next to nothing about the original.
I can definitely see why people were and are so enamored by Ridiculous Fishing: This game is just ballin.🐟 🏀 ⛹️
Maximizing it‘s mobile-designed UX through and through, the three-parted fishing game loop is so satisfying, refined and varied enough to keep it fun and, as per Vlambeer‘s „feedback“ traditions, hella rewarding. When you hitting the freshly caught fish with a big shotgun blast - its just >.<👌.
You kill fish, rake in the doe, use ur cash to buy upgrades to catch and kill even bigger fishies - a true hustler and killah lifestyle. You can even scroll through it‘s fish-focused Tiktok parody to quench your addiction in the game directly! (Realz)

I never knew fish violence would be so enjoyable.


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