Log Status






Time Played

18h 34m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 15, 2019

Platforms Played


Despite providing a unique take on the XCOM forumla, it fails to truly bring a good designed experience to the table. You realize the "openess" of the game is just an illusion as every encounter just boils down to singling out one enemy, defeating them until there is just a handful of enemies left so you can ambush them and win the battle. Trying to fight aggressively is just not viable and worth it when you can just repeatedly use this one strategy over and over until the credits roll after 10+ hours of playtime.
It's a shame, because the setting and world-design are so damn captivating. Sadly, the story is very clichéd and the twist at the end can be seen from a mile away.

If you like this genre, give it go. Maybe you'll enjoy it.