its like a cuter better version of animal crossing but without capturing villagers and instead impregnating villagers and romancing them into your farm.
love this game love the community love everything and would recommend as it almost never gets boring

honestly it can get kinda annoying cause its just like endless grind at some points, liked playing it at some points but its really just endless endless grind, ( it gets so tiering ) i had to quit it cause its just so tiering, the idea is great though dont get me wrong and any stardew valley lovers would adore this

best nintendo 3ds zelda game ever and im not taking anything else cause its iconic, fun and nostalgic
love love love love it

love the amount of detail put into this
words cant describe how this game made me feel when i first started playing it.. i was mesmerized

adorable game with a sad backstory, game can get pretty boring at times and its one of those games where you can only really play once while enjoying it..
but still worth playing

i actually really enjoyed this, its authentic and has a retro style to it and is fun to play as the characters have comedic lines and funny side quests
cute cute cute game to play if your bored
( would recommed to any pokemon fans especially pokemon 3ds fans!!)

UGH I LOVE THIS!! perfect cozy, easy game to relax with
adorable characters and a storyline that hooked me,
perfect chill and cheap game that i adore and 100%% recommend if your looking for a cozy nintendo game

(WOULDNT RECOMMEND IF YOU PLAY ON LAPTOP OR PC GAMEPLAY IS HORRIBLE) honestly this one is waaayy harder then the past ones, they changed the controlls in this game making it almost impossible for people on pc or laptop to play
so for people who play on laptop it will most definetly be very glichy for you therefor making the gameplay so so hard. i love the first two walking dead games and im sure this one has just as good of a storyline its just the gameplay ruins it for me

omfg i love love love how they made it so you played as clementine, discovering her story and how she survies without lee?? AMAZING. if you liked the first game the you'll definitely like this one!! very nice very nice (still not as good as the first one but still lovely dobvley))

I LOOOVEEE THIS, THE STORY, THE CONCEPT, HOW THEY REALLY GOT THE PLAYERS TO CONNECT WITH THE CHARACTERS??!! the whole game is a masterpeice, the artstyle is perfect in my opinion and the storyline is great for the genre. 100%% recommend esspecially concidering its pretty cheap

tbh it wasnt that good, game was pretty and the concept was good but compared to the other past games and concidering its dramatically higher in price its not worth it, if you want to play this buy a second hand one like i did cause its not worth 50 pounds.. still a good concept and i love the idea its just overall the games just all over the place and poorly thoughtout imo

honestly the start is great, its cute and the first 3 episodes were great (ESPECIALLY EPISODE 3)!!! sorry but the last two episodes were so bad though, i feel like they lost the plot abit and it all just was anticlimatic and badly thoughtout compared to the first life is strange. still worth playing though especially cause its not that expensive and the whole game itself is still good, just doesnt compare to the original imo
(still should totally play it episode 3 is everything to me)

so so breathtaking, the dialog is touching and deep and yet still has that comedic side to it, the ending is amazing and it takes you on a journey which made me cry multiple times.
the art style is cute and the whole concept is amazing
life changing (favourite video game eva)