29 Reviews liked by gravyavocado

I want to play this game with the DK bongos one day

This pikmin advance war game sucks. War is NOT fun or funny

So great and charming, and the atmosphere reminds me of shadow moses island with how dense it is. Every area is unique and exploration feels extra rewarding with your acquired wealth deciding Luigi's house at the end. Only gripes come in the final act with 300 health boos and backtracking between the basement and the 3rd floor, but the game oozes enough love and quality to make it fun all the way through.

charming as hell
the characters in this game are so cool man
puzzles were kinda insane at times to the point where i wondered how you could even complete them without a guide but that might just be me being dumb

I'm a fan of puzzle games, but God sometimes you need a guide to complete this game. Not even a super genius could figure this out.

The dialogue and the characters are great though. Haven't got to finish it.

Fun game, although the writing and some of the RPG elements left a little to be desired.

The weapon and armor mod system and settlement building were fantastic additions to the game.

Used to prefer 3 over this, the desert environment didn't do it for me. But after careful consideration I changed my mind. Haven't played the DLC.

This game was so fucking broken that I couldn't complete it.

There is a moment in this game where Patrick farts and the controller shakes for 12 seconds.
I wish I was joking.

Did Todd Howard really intended for incest to be a core mechanic?

Fallout 4 is the perfect example of why people should stop overhyping anything.
Is it the Fallout title we all wanted? No. Is it a bad game? ♥♥♥♥ no.

It's a weak title from the series because of the simplification of the RPG elements and making it far more casual. Still, it has the best gameplay in the series, a beautiful world with a lot of lore, and small stories.

Truth be told, Bethesda never understood the Fallout universe. The first two Fallout titles were clever examples of retrofuturism. In Bethesda’s games, the idea seems to be that Fallout takes place in a world where the bombs fell in the 1950s. Or rather, in a world where the culture of the 1950s lasted an extra 120 years and even endured through the apocalypse. And that’s what the world of Fallout is. It’s not the 1950s. It’s the year 2077 as the people of the 1950s would have imagined it.

A great video explaining the ideas behind the original Fallout lore:

To enjoy it, you have to look at it as a great shooter in the Fallout universe. To this day, New Vegas holds the top and I hope Bethesda can learn from their mistakes.

Yep, i love this even tho the hacking is pretty simple and unrealisitc, nonetheless it's a great game