What La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc is to cinema, Tetris is to video games. The essential artifact that delineates an entire medium. Every great video game can be broken down and compared to the simple form of Tetris, and no one since would be able to stand even to it.

The peak of the series formally and thematically. To describe MGS2 in one word is smooth. The stealth gameplay is the smoothest the series ever achieved during the top-down era. But it also evolves the stealth. Where the MSX games and MGS1 were about concealment, MGS2 emphasizes disruption of the industrial environment. Bursting steam pipes to stun guards. Hanging off ledges and hiding in lockers to break sightlines.

Norihiko Hibino's smooth jazz score during the Big Shell chapter, mixes classic analog jazz with contemporary digital instruments, just as MGS2 takes the idea of MGS1 and modifies it digitally.

Nerds hated it for the dumbest reasons, but Metal Gear Solid 2 is a great experience. Beyond being that "weird" and "insane" game plot wise. Great because of its form.