Pretty fun but clearly has one of the lamest communities and most of the characters are really boring

I played it on PS4 but haven't played in a while so I'm not worried about how much new stuff there is, I'm just starting over and having so much fun again just like the first time. I really really love this game bro.

I will say that the new stuff has been a really fun bonus. I'm happy to finally get the previously PC exclusive half life stuff, and I wasn't expecting this but DEAR LORD the graphical enhancements are actually noticeable. The 4k and 60fps make the game look positively phenomenal, and the loading times have been shortened to the point where getting from the PS5 home screen to being loaded and in the game actually takes under 5 seconds.

This was actually a lot better than I expected it to be, and the graphics are really nice looking. Buuuuttt they still didn't manage to give it the charm that Sucker Punch gave it. Which is an impossible task to be fair, and all things considered, they did a good job.

Still got that great atmosphere and music but bigger isn't always better. This game has way more episodes than the previous games, but most of them feel rushed and there are too many mini-games or parts where you play as other characters. I wish they would've kept expanding on the stealth gameplay as the blue thievy raccoony guy.

Such an interesting atmosphere and it was a really good idea to make a kid-friendly stealth game out of the 3D platformer genre.

I like this one a lot better than the Wii U version and it stands on its own way more, being the only handheld version of Smash. It was insane when this came out, especially with the fact that it ran at 60fps. Smash Run is a great mode and the online works well enough. There are still reasons to go back and play this one, and that's notable for a Smash game.

Now that Ultimate is out there's not much of a reason to go back to this one unless you love the Miiverse stage (which is probably disabled now). I did love this game when it came out though, and the year leading up to it was the most hyped I'd ever been for a video game. My favorite part of this game was doing 99 stocks every afternoon with only masterballs enabled trying to unlock songs. Also the online functionality was actually kinda competent.

It's pokemon battling in 3D. Great when it came out and still great.

This one is probably the most fun gameplay wise. However, the humor isn't even my main problem this time: it's the fact that it's a planet hopping game. I was excited to explore a new area of Pandora at first, but then it completely lost me once I realized the whole game wasn't on one fun detailed world, but instead spread out into a bunch of small, boring worlds. Extremely lame.

This one expands on the first game a lot and it has Gunzerker. I'm just really not a Handsome Jack fan. I'm just not. And all the other jokes seem significantly dumber and more reference-y than the first game.

Very interesting concept to take Diablo 2 and turn it into an FPS. It has really well-made gameplay, a fantastic visual style, and a beautiful setting. Also I feel the soundtrack doesn't get the recognition it deserves; I love the atmospheric conga drums. My main problem with this series is its huge reliance on pop culture references as its identity. Makes the writing not age very well. However, it's not quite so bad in this game.

Getting this game in 2014 and sharing the experience with others on Miiverse made this such a special game to me. It had a huge impact on a Nintendo platform for being an indie game, and it was fun being part of the hype when the updates were coming out. Speaking of the updates, the base game is great, but PLAGUE OF SHADOWS is way better. It takes a pretty simple retro platformer, gives it super innovative and strategic combat and traversal mechanics, and a heartwarming story.

Amazin', amazin' game. I just played it for the first time this year and it was extremely enjoyable so I take that as a sign that it's aged well. There's a lot of weight to the shooting, the enemy variety is neat, level design is great, and the voice acting and dialogue is just perfect.



It's laughable...the mental gymnastics people go through to try and find fault in this game. Are they ashamed by the truth? No one can play this game and not love it.