Amazing and very atmospheric setting. I love exploring it and FISHING. But it's very hard to relax in the great environment because enemies will roll up on you every 30 seconds.

In this one you fight black people instead of zombies

Kind of a bummer that they got rid of the armor crafting system and dual-professions from GW1, but ArenaNet still went crazy and added lots of new things that keep it set apart from other MMOs. Oh yeah uhhh. Listen. I can appreciate that the expansion packs just focus on story and don't add higher and higher level caps to grind, but somethin about em just doesn't grasp my focus. I find it really hard to have incentive to keep playing as a level 80 in new zones when I don't have a level cap to keep working towards. I dunno guess I'm just an IDIOT.

First MMO I ever played and one of the best. A super detailed world with so many original fantasy elements and unique gameplay mechanics that set it apart from anything else. Jeremy Soule OST is psycho mode

I've played a few MMOs in my day and this one ranks highly among them. I love the Elder Scrolls universe and this game takes very good care of it, with really detailed zones and side quests.

I also have to say this game's emote selection blows any other MMO out of the water. You can have your character play the lute or flute whenever you want, eat or drink an assortment of things, summon a chair out of thin air, and do countless other things that make socializing so much fun in ESO.

Subtracting 1 star because I paid $60 for this game when it first dropped the subscription fee, but I would still need to buy the Morrowind expansion if I want that, even though the expansion comes with the base game now. The DLC model for this game is pretty annoying.


Since this is so easily comparable to Journey, I'mma say right now that this is way way way way way better. The graphics and music are really nice and at times it feels like you're in the whale scene from Walt Disney's Fantasia 2000. Only complaint is that I wish the developers experimented a little more with what you could do. Since these artsy games only utilize three or four buttons, that leaves quite a few more buttons available to add a button for peeing or a button for farting. Things of that nature. Would be awesome.

Real neat game I appreciate that it gives lots of room to all types of art, not just video games, and it stresses the importance of collaboration to create bigger and bigger projects. It's worth the price just to play other people's creations. There are so many tools that you can use to make anything you can imagine, but it was all very overwhelming for me. The hours and hours of tutorials just weren't sticking with me, and after a while of experimenting, I realized that I could be spending that time learning Blender or other programs, and not have to use a PS4 controller.

Had no 1.5 star reviews so this is the first one. Uhhhhhhh. I love walking simulators and atmospheric games but this one just didn't grab me. Very boring and not in a fun way. Character design is lame.

Being on Miiverse during the release of this game was a dreamlike experience. Never played this game but 5 stars for Miiverse.

It loses 5 stars because they didn't even try to give this game a story or an interesting map. The game does not require brainpower to play nor will it stimulate your mind in any way whatsoever. They re-used Hau from Sun/Moon and the only thing they changed about him is two letters in his name.

It gains half a star because Cramorant and Greedent are two of the best pokemon ever designed

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This feels like Naughty Dog made a neat movie about the cycle of violence and how there are two sides to every story, and then just threw their basic reliable third person shooter gameplay inside the movie.

The gameplay is fun on its own, but it's very shallow and doesn't complement the narrative of the game in any way. It's hard for me to say "wooahhh! I shouldn't have killed those people, they have names!!!" when I had absolutely no choice in the matter. What would be more interesting is if the game implemented more mechanics for stealth that allowed you to traverse encounters in non-lethal ways. That would be a lot more fun, as well as giving the game's message more impact.

This method would also enable the game to have multiple endings, which could make each ending a lot more satisfying than the one they have. Here's how I understand the ending: Ellie is really mad the whole game until the end, when she is no longer mad. That is Ellie's growth as a character. The game takes us, the player, on a journey through the perspective of Abby, which makes us care about Abby. However, Ellie didn't see ANY OF THAT. So exactly WHAT REASON does Ellie have for forgiving Abby in the end? That's not a rhetorical question, I would really love to hear others' thoughts about this because I just don't get it, it feels like the ending was more of an afterthought than the gameplay was.

To conclude, I really don't think this game needs to exist. The combat is fun but not much of an improvement over the first game. The story is a total mess, especially when you compare it to that of its predecessor. The original Last of Us had a simple plot that was elevated by really good writing and characters, it had gameplay that was completely in-line with the story of a vengeful guy who was fighting to survive, and it had a perfect ending that was left open for interpretation just enough to send a message much more effectively than the sequel does.

Game sux.

This game doesn't get as much love as the first but I think it's just as good. Kenny is in it, so that automatically makes it an incredible story. But again, just like the first season and all other Telltale games, your choices don't matter.

This game has an extremely well-written and emotional story; I heavily encourage playing it to experience that. Just keep in mind that your choices do not matter. At all.


This review was written before the game released