The gameplay was good the animations weren't quite much but the idea of the game itself was fine

It was a 50 50 game wouldn't say it was too bad but neither was it too good the storyline was intriguing though

It was like stacking the goos one on top of another sometimes they also fell if not stacked correctly. Overall it was a nice game

It was interesting at first but after some time it got a little boring

It was an ok game the animations were nice

Cute and fun game that kept me attached the whole time

The game was quite fun and easy when there was ahype at first but later on the game started becoming more complex and the interface and game rules became a bit difficult to play. Still it was a fun experience

its a cool game with mesmerizing animations. I liked this part as well but the first part of plants vs zombies was the best in this franchise according to me.

It was a cool game and the characters were also fun

Its all fun and games until one of the characters start dying and the others follow in their footsteps. At the end u got only one or two people left in the vault which makes it a bit disappointing to start again from scratch.

It was a nice and cozy game which started in real time but the time didn't update every single minute. The neighborhood was also fun

Fun and addictive game could spend hours on it though it didn't really have an ending or any end goal type thing

It was alright for the first 20 minutes but later on the tasks took too much time and the game seemed a bit slow and boring

It was fun a few years back I won't say its too addictive but the game's good

It was a nice game got me addicted for a while