it's a great game and one of the better RPGs i've played. for me, it was a wonderful experience. my main complaint is that it's... hard. really hard. this is not a problem for me, but i sense that its difficulty makes it inaccessible to a lot of people.


i abandoned it for maybe a decade before i picked it up again in a bid to try and actually finish it. and i did. i liked it.

it has its flaws but it is nonironically one of the best games i've ever played.

please do not play this game

it's fun. i have no major qualms with it.

fun FPS, main bad thing is the devs getting too excited with xen

This is one of the best puzzle games I've ever played.

Nothing I say can do this game justice. Be prepared for an unforgettable experience.

a slightly janky mess. kinda fun though

ok the series is starting to get decent

yeah it's pretty good. not amazing but it's fun

obviously the coinz system and slow bond progression is a -bit- annoying, but that's my only qualm with it. this is very good and extremely gay. your fingers will break.