I cannot properly articulate how much I hated this game. Not only was it NOT fun, it was one of the most butt-fucking-ugly games I've ever seen. That isn't even due to it being from 1994. Virtua Fighter looks better than this by virtue of sticking to rudimentary shapes, and it plays so much more fluidly than this junk. This game is repulsive to the eyes and plays like total shit. Once again, love it or hate it, Virtua Fighter effortlessly clears this. Don't even get me started on how Dead Or Alive compares to this.

The character models for Kuma, Jack, King; they are all VERY funny. The CGs defy their time period with how bizarre they look, but are also incredibly expressive in a way that showcases a clear ambition for this series.

I have to pay this game its dues though in terms of its sense of style. This is one of the weirdest games I've ever played. The fact that they stumbled into such eccentricities as Kuma, King and Yoshimitsu on their first go is astonishing. Nina and Anna's bizarre catty relationship. Kazuya and Heihachi's unmistakable hairstyles and auras of evil. The fact that Michelle's bio says she likes "buffalo" is so dumb that I sit in awe thinking of the complete moron who wrote it in there. the Tekken series smartly builds on the only thing worthwhile here in its unabashed weirdness. That is one thing it pretty consistently tops Virtua Fighter on. The main character of VF? Akira, the most bog-standard fighting game protagonist humanly possible. Tekken? Kazuya, the most evil looking man who has ever lived.

A lot here that I DO like, music, artwork, general madness. But under no circumstances am I EVER playing this crap again.

Reviewed on Jul 09, 2024


The step up from Tekken 1 to 2 is truly remarkable

16 days ago

I recall very vividly in the Tekken 2 manual that it said that Nina liked Tom & Jerry, and that pretty much cemented my liking toward her I think.

16 days ago

i really like how in king's ending the crowd of "children" at the orphanage is clearly just fmv footage of a bunch of namco employees that they shrunk down to vaguely child-size

16 days ago

@straylight stuff like that makes me wish i liked this game so much. its so weird.

16 days ago

nobody likes tekken 1. i would much rather play 4 than 1

16 days ago

@LarryDavis yeah I let my curiosity get the better of me with this one. you see the Tekken 1 Jack model and think the game might be something special.

16 days ago

@BigBossHayabusa as is fighting game tradition ever since Street Fighter 1 -> 2

15 days ago

Yeah the jump from T1 to T2 is overlooked, no real reason to check out T1 besides morbid curiosity lmao. DOA1 released in the same sorta time period as Tekken 3 iirc, so it's probably a more fitting comparison

15 days ago

@Skeletorr the very funny FMVs made me need to see for myself what Tekken 1 was all about

8 days ago

@Skeletorr i'd say that same bluntness of the original game (being that fucking ugly and relentlessly funny on its own fucked way) is enough to power it up at least once in our lives.