Pretty fun throwback detective game. A lot of the twists are telegraphed pretty heavily in advance, and it's relatively easy to figure out whodunnit, but the writing is decent and the art is gorgeous. My biggest issues are some relatively unintuitive things you have to do to progress - even though you as the player have figured out everything you need from the scene, the game won't let you progress until you've done things in a particular way. This, coupled with a few moon logic moments, make an otherwise really nice detective game into a somewhat frustrating experience. Despite this, I still enjoyed it a lot!

Really nice remake of an old school detective game. The writing and narrative are generally high quality, and there are way fewer frustrating moments than the previous game. Most of the dialogues felt intuitive, and the game rewards paying attention to what you say through its affinity system. Great for fans of detective games or visual novels.

This game ruined my life. 10/10

Extremely fun game. The pacing and voice acting are great, the side missions are varied and fun, and the traversal is amazing. The only drawback is somewhat repetitive combat against spongy enemies, but the gadgets and stealth mechanics work to keep it enjoyable.

Worth playing for the story, especially if you enjoyed the story for the base game. Combat here feels less fun, mostly because of repetitive scenarios that take forever due to enemy health. Still, traversal feels great and it sets things up well for an inevitable sequel.

This game made me love JRPGs. The setting, the character design, the acting, and especially the music are all amazing. The narrative and most social links are great and reward multiple playthroughs. The only issues are the combat system, which is a bit dated, and some cringe moments. That being said, this is my favorite game of all time and I love it because of its flaws rather than in spite of them.

Stylish gacha game with turn-based combat, some light exploration, and fun character designs. The music is great and the animations for combat are very cool. However, the quality does not extend to the writing - this is some of the worst writing I've ever seen, even before considering the localization issues. If you're looking for engaging story or even competent character dialog, maybe look elsewhere. If you want a very nice looking game with turn-based combat, consider giving this a chance.

Exactly what it says on the tin: more Spider-Man done extremely well. A few of the systems are fighting against the overall power fantasy of Spider-Man - most of the mini-games are completely unnecessary and bring the action to a halt when they're merely trying to slow it down; the wing suit feels amazing but pulls you away from web-slinging. The story also feels a bit uneven, as Miles' story is far more compelling than Peter's and story beats that have more bathos than pathos. Despite all of this, the game feels incredible and looks great, the environments feel even more vibrant and lively, and when it all comes together you forget all of the things that work less well.

This game feels like a passing of the Western RPG torch from BioWare to Larian, and what better way to mark this transition than with a Larian take on the series that put BioWare on the map. The writing is incredible and is elevated by what may be the best video game acting that I have ever seen. RPGs live and die on the strength of their party characters, and with few exceptions this game's core cast, as well as most of the side characters, are some of the best realized and most memorable in video games. Each act could stand alone and would still have been incredible, and each carries a distinct tone and narrative that keeps things fresh over the roughly 70-hour game. The sandbox it provides in terms of abilities, especially with spells and magic items, allows for an almost immersive sim quality. It also works exceptionally well in multiplayer.

I am the target audience for this game as both a huge tactics and strategy game fan as well as a massive Persona fan. I actually do like the art style for this game - it took some time to grow on me, but now I do really appreciate the cartoony appearance. I do wish more unique art appeared in-game, as the same images are reused constantly. The voice acting is quite good in both English and Japanese. The writing is another story altogether. Maybe I'm just getting a bit tired of the Phantom Thieves, but these versions of the characters were nearly insufferable and reduced to flat, flanderized versions of their original characters.
The tactics gameplay is good, but far too easy. I especially enjoyed the Quests and Challenges - these served more as puzzles than as typical tactics challenges and required you to use the mechanics of the battles to achieve other objectives, or to use them in the most efficient way possible. Otherwise, almost all of the missions are "Defeat all enemies" challenges and, while the battlefields and mechanics are fun and interesting, does get a bit stale after a while.
The Persona/SMT elements are well-represented here. Persona fusion is important and just as strategic in the mainline games, adding a bit more to the tactics gameplay. However, this game is definitely a tactics game for Persona fans, especially Persona 5 fans, rather than a Persona game for tactics fans.