ranking licensed GBA games

i have been trying to work through as many licensed GBA games as i can stomach. this is partially an act of self-punishment, but primarily an exercise in appreciating art at all scales. many of these games were made by people who likely did not want to make them, but they are games made by people nonetheless. there is something human in all creation, no matter the circumstances under which it may have been forced out. probably this just pacifies my own worldview, but i think there is value in experiencing this unique type of expression; especially considering most of these games have not been played by many adults.

i will not review everything, and most reviews will be short, silly, or overdramatic. i will try to rate and rank everything i play to the best of my ability. ranking may not always be consistent with my rating. this is not to be taken seriously in any way, and is entirely in the name of good fun (although i sincerely believe the mission statement above).

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