7 reviews liked by hexekraft

This was my first gacha game and I feel spoiled because it is genuinely great in a lot of ways. It feels good to play, looks expensive, and performs very well on my phone. I didn't spend money on the game but got some lucky rolls and had some awesome 5-star heroes. I enjoyed the gameplay loop and it was a good distraction on my commute, but I have reached the end of my enjoyment. Very solid mobile game!

Got the platinum months ago, there's a dozen other games on my backlog, and I'm still playing this instead. Do I need to say more?

I mean, I can say more, if you want. OK, I'll say more.

How 'bout this: If the first Remnant was "Dark Souls with guns", this one is "Bloodborne meets Destiny". Takes the best parts of the soulslike genre and infuses them with all of the best parts of a modern looter-shooter-- smooth aiming and movement mechanics, semi-random dungeons, simple mission-based quest design, swappable classes that each have their own skill progression-- while leaving behind all of the parts of Destiny that I find incredibly annoying. There's no microtransactions or gatcha BS, no need to grind for random drops, and you can do everything as solo or coop instead of all the good stuff being locked behind 6-person raids. It's a chocolate + peanut butter combo that I'm finding irresistible.

This is my GOTY 2023 by a country mile and, if their DLC plans pan out, it could be a solid game-of-the-generation contender.

this game has blown me away, so many fun systemic answers to every fun systemic problem. an immersive sim where you control three characters at once in a synchronized ballet, distracting/killing/body disposing/maneuvering/outsmarting interesting enemies with cool unique heroes. one character is just hitman from hitman and it’s somehow barely in the top three coolest ability sets. a modern stealth classic, reminds me why i love the genre.



I cried so hard I got a wicked headache

im dead serious this is an actual contender for game of the year. the loop is simple, during the day you catch fish and send them back to your restaurant where you prepare sushi and serve customers during the night. the entire cast are goofy and entertaining, the ambient music is super relaxing (though it did grow old for me very quickly), and there is a surprising amount of enemy and area variety throughout the game. i couldnt tell you how many times i reached a point where i thought the game was going to end soon, only to be met with another, huge area for me to explore and get lost in.

some minor issues i have are that the plot is quite weak, but i wasn't expecting much of a story from a fishing game anyways, and the charming characters more than make up for the mediocre story. in addition, though the game is quite short with little replay value, not every game has to have 300 hours of content with 10 different endings. being a pleasant and memorable experience is just fine.

if you enjoyed stardew valley, dave the diver is a must play. though not as replayable as the former, this is 100% worth your time, and im definitely looking forward to any potential new content or updates the devs might release for the game.

You will hit a point where you get mad. Go beyond that. The little meat man falling on a spike does not create the anger, you create the anger. This game is a meditative tool.

I would gladly blast every copy of Smash Bros into the Oort cloud if it meant we got a Power Stone 3