this game is just that one emotional chart where it constantly goes from "it's so over" to "we're so back", I don't think a single game has ever made me as frustrated one sitting and ecstatic the next but my god when a weapon finally clicks and you start controlling entire matches it feels so damn good

the single player is also great but the octo expansion is better

if you're gonna have all the music from all three games be playable in the lobby please let me play them in matches too, thanks Nogambi

It starts real good and the ending is defo a controversial one but I really liked it. Everything in the middle was exceedingly mid though. You barely meet any noteworthy characters and it sets up close to nothing for the ending, really feels like filler with some real lame cases.

great game, really big fan of how it utilizes the foreground and background even when having the stereostopic 3D turned off

A very Suda game. It's got everything you'd expect from him: wrestlers, assassins, chapters that start and end on very similar beats, a great sense of style, and fantastic writing across the board.
Not to break into a whole "can games be bad on purpose" type beat discussion but they definitely knew what they were doing here. One of the most notable things about it is how the game actively slows down the protagonist's journey with unnecessary distractions and then has the gall to have characters get mad at you for not doing what you were brought here for in the first place. Reminds me of YIIK but unlike in that game it builds up to something here and is very well executed where the player is very much in on the joke and it leads to extremely well explored characters that never fail to be interesting and charming.
If you're new to Suda and have just gone through killer7 or the No More Heroes series and want to see more of what he made, this is 100% worth checking out though I would recommend everyone to play The Silver Case beforehand.

Just pure fun. It definitely feels a little scrappy, like it's incredibly easy to go flying in a random direction with all the momentum you have built up and the camera to go insane but I genuinely think these are things that add to the sheer insanity that is this game instead of detracting from it. These stages are insane as well, like with all of them if you wanna play them as Sonic stages and just rush through go ahead but at the same time these stages have so, SO much more content in them. It's mind blowing. Game straight up turns into a collect-a-thon if you want it to be. Add the absolutely wild story and you got a banger game.

it plays better than the first one with much more creative levels but to me Katamari is not really about that, it's all about the vibes and I think I prefer the vibes of the first game. probably a combo of the music and the writing if I had to guess. I really don't fuck with the new added content either. knowing the context in which the original was made makes it just feel kinda slimy type beat

cool ass characters, awesome music, feels great to play, love it. feels a lot more restrictive than french bread's other most popular title, melty blood, but that's not at all a bad thing, it leads to a much more strategical game where every hit feels so much more meaty than it would otherwise. bla bla add rollback bla bla at this point just make a sequl with rollback instead

honestly I don't think these characters are as cool as everyone says. love the art style and the music tho. fun to play, wish you didn't die as quick, wish the game didn't take 5 minutes to start every time.

not as good as planet robobot but shows just how much potential there is for kirby in 3d

just play bayo 1 man like fuck visually it's nicer yknow like you got colors going on and somehow even more super impressive animations but god man the enemy design in this game is the fucking worst dude, like on normal they're annoying and on either of the harder difficulties they're pretty insufferable, same goes for the bosses of which I'd say a good 90% at least suck complete wiener. still tho this is a 3/5 cause a) the combat is still bayo combat and bayo combat fucking rules and b) the new weapons, like all of them are great, in bayo 1 a lot of weapons felt like repeats but here you got a ton of them that feel very unlike the others


it should've just been a yume nikki clone but they had to introduce these boring ass RPG battles that add nothing and they just had to have you slog through this dream world bullshit where the characters get like no development

a great deconstruction of the RPG genre. amazing humor and artwork, as you'd expect from the creator of megaman sprite game

the variety could be better and it gets real damn hard but it's still rhythm heaven at its core and that's just good

look people say this game takes them like an hour to beat but it took me 10 cause I suck at shooters
this game fucking rules. it's 3 bucks and for that money you get a game that is extremely frantic. it never stops man. it just fucking keeps going and it's so hypnotic. like playing this game puts me in some kind of fucking trance where I just keep playing and playing even though I can feel my head bursting while doing so. that part is on purpose by the way.

People didn’t like this? It’s like spaghetti: it’s good. I played it years after release with a super overpowered build, so it was easy as fuck, but it really didn’t matter, I loved the art design and the atmosphere and the moon is just so cool, even Eris is cool with her dead fucking ghost bros hanging around. The only real problem for me is the amount of filler, like the game being like “okay now kill 100 of these guys.” Don’t get me wrong, shooting is a lot of fun in Destiny but even the best gameplay gets stale when you plainly tell the player to just do the most basic shit for a pretty large amount of time. You don’t wanna eat spaghetti for lunch, breakfast, and dinner for the rest of eternity. Or maybe you do in which case you might not mind the filler. Having a fun build is definitely like sauce. If you’re experimental there’s all kinds of different sauces you can try and maybe if you do that you will have a great time always eating spaghetti, like I used to not be a sauce guy myself but now I got this hunter build where I just punch everything and yeah basically what I’m trying to say is making the gameplay more fun and less stale is in your hands. The game defo tries to get you to do that too by making the bounties pretty specific things and the side quests making you play specific weapons to get you to try and diversify. It ends kinda abruptly since it has no final boss, you do get a pretty iconic at this point end cutscene but yeah it’s like when you forget to put the salt in your spaghetti and then later on you try to save it by sprinkling salt on top of them but it just isn’t the same