seems to be the best, and tthe first truly good one imo but got burnt out in the end after getting to like %50 of shb in the span of 1 month

deliberately offensive posturing that has the ultimate effect of a weak, wet fart. RWS are creatively bankrupt gamergaters which explains a lot.

seems really interesting and i dig the aesthetics but the gameplay is rrly tedious and boring :c

nice moody environments and some cool ideas but there are a LOT of annoying enemies and fuck the yellow orb and scoring system and it doesn't feel good

i like the voice acting lol and that one siren-y music that plays when fighting the shadow orb panthers
also talking of orbs FUCK that nightmare boss especially the third encounter

played as malk, atmosphere was great, good anarchist representation, tasty music, but i was fucking pissed at that level with those 2 legged shit nuggets sewer level when the game decided to become half life and couldn't get through even with noclip and godmode so i'm shelving this for now

got to hard mode, will pick it up a lot later too big brain for me rn

i really don't like the gameplay, and the pacing is all over the place, and while at first it was nice to see prerendered backgrounds in 3d, the yakuza kiwami 2-like remastering sucks the magic out of it. the story, while goofy as fuck, went kinda hard so i'll just watch it on youtube lol

the game isn't that good but i love Es

i want more short boomershooters

i don't really like the open worlds and the bounties/grind but a bonus half star for the cool af labour union

meh was fun for like 3 missions and i like cephalon cy

cutscenes look cool and the potato trauma magical child reveal must've been nice back then

the yin yang morality system, while simple window dressing is a nice addition and i like the red lighting, but still meh

i fucking hate archwing controls